Deutschland 45
The Kampfgruppe we portray is based on a unit that was formed during April of 1945 for The Battle of Berlin.
Kampfgruppe in English means ‘Fight Group’ or ‘Battle Group’.
They were used heavily by the armed forces of Germany during WW2 especially as the war progressed and things turned against Germany.
They were an ad-hoc formation which would have been put together for a specific task and then disbanded once that task had been completed.
A Kampfgruppe would often be a mix of troops and equipment from all branches of the German armed forces.
Deutschland 45 are acutely aware of its potentially controversial portrayal in this hobby we are a totally non-political organisation. People with paramilitary, or extreme views will NOT be accepted, the sole purpose of our display is for living History and comes from a strictly educational point of view of the German Home Front and an average Front Line soldier.
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